Challenge Participant


Tuesday 17 August 2010

Once upon a time Ruby O'Neill lived in her very own ivory tower (a beautiful little cottage) with her very own fairytale prince (her handsome husband Jonathan). She had roses round her door and her friends were never far away - life in her fairytale land was perfect. But grown-up fairy stories don't last forever and one dark night Ruby's life is smashed into a million pieces. With her castle in the air destroyed and her heart broken, she swears she will never love again. Yet guardian angels hide in the strangest places and from Ruby's darkest night, six magical secrets slowly emerge to show her life is for living and that tomorrow is not too late for love. But who is the mysterious stranger who holds the seventh secret, the hardest one to find? And is he the person who holds the ultimate secret, the key to Ruby's frozen heart?

The book starts with the impression that Ruby has the perfect life, great husband, great life, great friends and is having a last minute shopping trip with her friend on Christmas Eve, before going home to wait for her husband's return from work, to decorate the christmas tree which has jsut been delivered by a man Ruby felt some attraction too. However, as in every story, happiness soon turns to tradegy and Ruby's life comes crashing done.
The rest of the book is about Ruby's life after teh tradegy and the emotions and feelings she has to cope with while rebuilding her life and career along with the problems with her parents marriage and her best friends life. each story interweaves with the main story and draws you through the book to find out what happens to them.
The Seven Secrets of Happiness are revealled throughout the book following the sale or gift of each of the unique bags Ruby made and sells in her shop.
i enjoyed this book and found it a great summer read which i could pick up as and when to read a few chapters. the chapters are short and easy to read and the writing style is one which would appeall to many.
the main story line is one which many people can identify with and the book gives everyone who has been in a similar situation the courage and determination to pick themselves up and achieve their dreams.
i would recommend this book to all and hope you enjoy the read!

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